Boyer Rickel is the author most recently of Morgan (a Lyric), winner of the 2020 Gold Line Press nonfiction chapbook contest, selected by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo. Morgan (a Lyric) is available at:
Gold Line Press. In addition to two book-length poetry collections, remanence (Parlor Press) and arreboles (Wesleyan), and a memoir-in-essays, Taboo (Wisconsin), he has published three poetry chapbooks, Tempo Rubato (Green Linden Press), Musick’s Hand-maid and reliquary (both from Seven Kitchens Press).
His honors include poetry fellowships from The National Endowment for Arts and The Arizona Commission on the Arts, as well as awards for lyric essays from Prairie Schooner and Tupelo Quarterly.
His poems and nonfiction have appeared in such print and online journals as The Antioch Review, Arts & Letters, Fence, Free Verse, Guernica, The Gettysburg Review, The Iowa Review, Kenyon Review, Poetry, Seneca Review, and Volt; and in anthologies such as Things Shaped in Passing: More “Poets for Life” Writing from the AIDS Pandemic; The Wesleyan Tradition: Four Decades of American Poetry; Wonderlands: Good Gay Travel Writing; and Word of Mouth: An Anthology of Gay American Poetry.
He taught in the University of Arizona Creative Writing Program for twenty years, serving as assistant director from 1991 to 2004.